Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Ben, our baby-sitter, has a theater degree. So what do you do with a theater degree (besides wait tables and baby-sit small children adding greatly to their imaginative play)?
You visit summer enrichment classes as an expert in drama.
There are currently four drama classes taught by two different teachers and I put both teachers in touch with Ben since they are supposed to have an expert come in. In each class he talked about costumes and make-up. He showed the kids how to make someone look old and in one class he made a girl look like a mouse.
He also showed them how to make it look like someone had gotten a huge bruise, and most impressively...that someone had a pencil that got stuck through his hand. One of the teachers was taking the child with a pencil stuck through his hand around and freaking people out. I know that more then a few people got their heart going and a bit of adrenaline after seeing the "wounds" coming out of the drama classes.

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