Friday, April 27, 2012

I might be a little paranoid

So I have learned that completing a degree that you have been working on and poured your heart and soul into and spent literally years of your life creating a project for might make you a little paranoid.
I have already emailed and stopped by and checked to make sure that everything is in place for me to actually graduate.
Everything is turned in. All surveys and paperwork is done. The dissertation has been completely accepted with no further edits necessary. I have my robe, tassel, tam, and hood (though they say not to bring your own hood to the ceremony) for the ceremony. I think I am ready....I just need to make sure to show up on time, have everything with me, bring ID (I have to have it to get the degree paper since doctorates are the only ones who can pick it up at the ceremony instead of having it mailed), and it says not to bring a purse or bag.

I have had a couple of interviews. I am just trying to figure out what the next step is and where God wants us to go.


Ann in NJ said...

I'd be surprised if you weren't a little paranoid. Dotting every i and crossing every t is good practice, and hopefully you are able to relax (for a moment at least). We are SO proud of you!

Lisa C said...

So awesome that everything is in place, and hopefully the worry/paranoid will relax as you get a little farther out. Congrats again!