Monday, April 26, 2010

The Classics!

I think one of the best things about being a parent is being able to share some classic movies with your children. I keep thinking of movies that the kids might enjoy. Some I have not been able to find for free or cheap way (as in I am trying to use Netflix, record it off TV, or get it from the library). I have not found Condor Man or Zorro....but I have had fun finding others. We have enjoyed Swiss Family Robinson, Snow White, and The Wizard of Oz. We watched The Great Race and Cinderella at least three times each.

I know that my favorite part about watching the movies with the kids is watching their faces and hearing them get into the movie as they watch it for the first time. The kids were chuckling out-loud at the antics of the dwarves; they were wide-eyed and cheering as the Robinsons' fought off the pirates, and they were very concerned about how Dorothy and her friends were going to get away from the witch.

1 comment:

Peter L. said...

Hopefully more parents will share these classics like you are, otherwise they won't be classics anymore :(.