Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas To-do list

I'm still wrapping up university related duties (and probably will be for awhile), but I am managing to squeeze in a few Christmas things here and there. I got packages mailed to family and friends who live far away, the Christmas letter is printed but waiting to be addressed, the decorating (or at least what I am going to do of it) is done except that I have to keep re-decorating the tree from Josie (and cat) height down, and we have actually made a few holiday baking items. I'm glad to have a camera again and I need to sit down sometime (not sure when) to figure out how to get pictures off it because I have some to share. I'm shooting not for a picture perfect holiday, but for one that we will all enjoy and remember and hopefully everyone will be healthy.
We went to the boys' preschool Christmas Program today (and I get to go again tomorrow since we are technically enrolled in both the M-W-F and T-Th class so that we are five days a week). It will be interesting to see how it goes tomorrow.
It was as amusing as you know the 4 and under crowd can be. The four year old classes did a Nativity Play. The class is really heavy on girls so there were LOTS of angels. Then they did the class performances starting with the youngest group. So we had young twos, older twos, young threes (which is Doug & Andy's class), and then Jim and I left to get the boys so we didn't see the older threes.
There were all the usual sorts. The children who cried, the children who didn't sing, the children who sang really loudly, the children who stopped singing to wave at their parents, the children with their fingers up their noses, and the children who weren't happy with the spots they were in so they decided to move mid-performance.
Doug and Andy did pretty well. They were not standing next to each other so I don't have any shots on the camera with the two of them in the program. Doug sang and did all the hand-motions for all of the songs. He seemed pretty comfortable and I know that he saw me because he waved and smiled.
Andy had a little bit of the deer in head-lights look about him. He seemed surprised to see all of the parents (and grandparents) there and did not sing for the first couple of songs. Eventually he got into doing hand-motions and by the last song was singing. I couldn't tell if he saw us or not. When we asked him later he said that he did, but it wasn't obvious during the performance. I think he was feeling a bit shy, because at the end of the performance he made a bee-line for Mrs. Michelle who is one of their teachers. He did get back in line but needed the physical reassurance.
We picked the boys up from their classroom after the performance and then, because Jim had taken a half day off to see them, we got to have lunch and the rest of the day with daddy. Yippee!

1 comment:

Ann in NJ said...

Hey, you forgot the girls who lift up their dresses....

Ah, I remember those days. And yes, miss them, sort of. Now we are in the age of orchestra concerts by children who have been playing for all of 3 months.