Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Two Little Guys

Doug & Andy are interesting fellows. I joke that having twins was the best science experiment I ever did. They are just so different.

Doug: He can be loud but he sometimes still resorts to sounds rather than words when he is upset. He over generalizes labels (ALL balls are soccer balls or whatever the current ball is he is hooked on, ALL berries are strawberries, etc.) He loves to color, he used to love yellow but his current favorite is pink. He loves cars and trains and anything that could be classified as transportation. He thinks he is the center of attention where ever he goes (he greets people or says good-bye to random people where ever we go). He is more cautious than Andy and he is a little bit of a perfectionist (we are working on resilience so that he will not get frustrated). He easily fits in with any group of children at a play doesn't matter whether the children are slightly older or slightly younger.

Andy: He talks nonstop....just about everything that is in his brain comes out of his mouth (you can "hear" the wheels turning). He sorts out the relationship between things. He is not as big on coloring and currently if you ask his favorite color he will say "blue and yellow make green." He loves to be loud and particularly likes to make up his own songs. He loves construction things, tools, cooking, and mothering a baby doll. He is shyer and likes to be close to me, but he is very confident of himself physically so that he climbs and does everything on the playground. He is not a perfectionist; however, he also is very stubborn about doing things his way and on his own. He usually is a leader and plays pretty independently on his own when we go someplace where there are other children.

We worked on coloring some wooden snowflakes for Christmas presents. The snowflakes are about the size of a dessert plate and it has taken us two days. Each boy is coloring one side of each snowflake. Andy got tired of waiting for Doug to be ready to switch snowflakes after the first side. Doug got tired of coloring the first day because he colored almost every inch of his side. Andy's side only has about three colors and lots of blank space.

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