Thursday, January 21, 2010

Monster Spray cont.

So the blessing is if you are tight on time and your children can't read you can get away with grabbing a can of room deodorizer and not have to alter anything.

I showed Andy the label with the flower ( smells so good it keeps the monsters away). I told him it was guaranteed for at least a year and that it was tested and proven to work. He asked if it killed them and yes, monster spray will cause the monster to explode if it gets too close. It does not affect cats so I assured him that any noises he might hear would be the cats.

We sprayed the entire perimeter of the finished areas of the basement and every step in the stairway. The basement reeked of vanilla when we were done.

It was worth it though. Andy seemed delighted that the basement would be safe and he and Josie even went down independently to play.

1 comment:

Ann in NJ said...

Ah, the subterfuge we practice on our innocent children. I used to go by "mom time". I would give the kids a "5 minute" warning, but the actual length of that 5 minutes depended solely on how eager I actualy was to get out of the playground/playdate/whatever. Worked until they could tell time.