What comes out on the page is not necessarily all the details that are present in their heads. So this weekend Doug came home with these two pictures and I had to ask...

Apparently the green line is him racing all over. I wonder if that is how he felt about our school supply shopping trips.

I know that how a child draws their family says a lot about the family....When I heard Doug tell me about this picture I was not sure what to think.
He started by telling me that he was the first figure at the top of the page...and he has a gun to shot zombies (Oh my!...um, thanks cousins...). The next two figures (going clockwise) are mommy and daddy hugging (that's pretty good...that I'll take).
Then the next figure is a zombie attacking Josie, who is the smaller figure who comes next. Notice that the zombie has no eyes and is frowning.
The next pair of lines are zombie feet...Doug shot off the rest of him.
Andy is the final figure...and I think he is just standing there.
I'm sort of wondering if the teacher actually found out from Doug any details about the picture. He did get a "Good Job" stamp.....
We are not really a violent family. We do, however, have active imaginations.
Um, sorry about the zombies?
JC used to draw pictures that were sort of "action shots". If you watched process, first he did this, then that, then something else... but it was all in the same picture, so the final result was rather confusing. Imagine a comic strip with 6 panels worth of action - in one.
As a teacher of the gifted...I love that sort of picture. I one time had a student who was instructed to use some lines to create a picture (sort of an "unfinished picture" thing) and he asked for scissors. I ended up with a 3-D tollbooth.
Oh, and I can't complain too much about the zombies because the coffee cup I regularly use has Order of the Stick zombies on it....
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