Thursday, October 9, 2008

The ewwwww of Parenting

***If you are easily grossed out you might want to skip this post.***
Ok, we survived our party and had a good time and it was nice to have people over at the house even if it was a lot of work to get ready. However, I am beginning to wonder about my children. About an hour and half before the party the kids spotted the candy corn in the cupboard. I didn't buy it for the party, but it seemed like a good thing to put out.

The kids had a few pieces and then a little while later while I am running around trying to pick-up and trying to get the brownies out of the oven and Andy starts saying "something hurting me."
So the information that I can get out of him is that he has put something (not his finger) up his nose. I can't see anything and I try to get him to blow out of one side. I'm trying to decide if we need to hope in the car to go to a doctor, but Jim isn't home and Josie is asleep and Andy says he does not want to go to the doctor. All I am getting is orange snot...yes you guessed it...he put a tiny piece of candy corn up his nose according to him. I never got an actual piece out but I couldn't see anything using a flashlight, orange snot stopped coming out, and he said it stopped hurting so hopefully I made the right call. From a comparison test where I progressively tore off smaller and smaller pieces of tissue I think the piece was rather small (Mommy: "was it smaller than this?", Andy: "yes", Mommy: "was it smaller than this?", Andy"yes" etc.) We did have a talk about not putting anything up your nose and I am hoping that the sugary candy dissolved.

The other slightly gross update is about Doug. If you recall I mentioned that on Tuesday I was called by the preschool because Doug was not acting normal. Well, I didn't mention that on Sunday night he threw up a little bit, but the kids had been very actively goofing around and I thought he had eaten a lot and we assumed that he had just overeaten and then gotten too hot or jumped around too much or something.
Then on Tuesday night he got upset in the shower and didn't want to get out and managed to throw up a little after getting out of the shower while he was crying. It would not have been the first time he made himself physically ill from being upset.
Wednesday morning I am getting them ready for preschool when I notice that Doug has some dried on stuff on the front of his pajamas. I ask him if he threw up this morning. "No." Did he throw up last night. "In the shower." Hmmmm
So I check his bed and there is stuff on his sheets, pillow, covers, etc. all requiring at least three extra loads of laundry (we washed everything). This stuff includes not only some chunky stuff, but a chunk of what looked like hot dog that was probably a quarter inch wide by two to three inches long that all appears to be one piece.
I start thinking about things and realize that he probably hasn't had a corn dog (Doug's "hot dog on a stick) since Saturday and it is now Wednesday.
Well, no wonder the child hasn't been eating much and he wasn't feeling well...he has been gagging on hot dog for four days!

When I was pregnant with the twins I was going to write a book entitled "Pregnancy for the Worrier: All the things the other books don't tell you and practical advice."
I now think the sequel should be "Parenting: Don't Panic."


Jill in MA said...

I would read those books! (Of course, I won't need the pregnancy one, but I'll bet it would be hilarious!)

Ann in NJ said...

Can we add on a sequel, "Teenagers:Mostly Harmless"?

Or perhaps that's too mild...

Unknown said...

or how about Eighth Graders:Why you would rather poke your eyes out.