Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What a wonderful world...

Having children I am beginning to get a glimmer (or maybe a blinding light) about how complicated we adults have made the "rules" of the world.

Exhibit 1:
Doug has issues with laundry. Perhaps you are not guilty of using this term quite so much in a blanket sense to cover so many different stages of the clothes cycle as I am. For me laundry could be the stuff in the dirty clothes hamper, the items in the washing machine, the stuff in the dryer or out on the line, or the pile in the basket waiting to be folded. Unless it is in the drawer or on your body it is laundry.
So I have had to work on being a little more specific with Doug. I think we are past him putting his shoes in the laundry hamper (a little over zealous in clearing off clothes he was taking off...and believe me it made it awfully hard to find his shoes when we next needed to go out). I just have to make sure that he doesn't put clothes from the drawer directly into the hamper and that he doesn't put dirty clothes in with the clean clothes in a basket.

Exhibit 2:
How do you explain to Andy that, while I don't mind in our backyard and it is fine on Nana and Pop's farm, it is not acceptable to pull down your pants and pee on the playground during preschool....

1 comment:

Ann in NJ said...

Ah, yes. Things that are perfectly clear to us are not so to our little literal-minded children. Makes me think of Amelia Bedelia.