Monday, September 21, 2009

Group Projects

Imagine group projects in grad school....yep they happen there too.

It sounds nice to have support and people to bounce ideas off of, but....well....
Imagine how hard it is to coordinate a bunch of middle or high school students and then add in that they have not only their own schedule but they might have children to work around also. And there you have working in a group in grad school.

Except then add in that even though there is a semi-sequential order to take educational research classes in that there are different ability levels and some people haven't had the prior classes for awhile.

And also add that it is online and some people might not check their online class every day and that this might be the first online class they are taking.

Then add in that the prof was on the late side of posting the group assignments so that it was doable if people were on top of everything.

But, then add in that I had a fever on Sunday and slept a lot.

So that has been my world the last few days.
Yep, that's been pretty much it.
I'm so looking forward to Wednesday when my groups' portion is over....and oh yeah I have a conference on Friday.....

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