Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Clothes Horse

I think it is because I have been trying to sort out the kids' clothing to get the winter clothes in and the old summer clothes that will likely not fit next summer in a different pile, and the stuff that will fit but is crowding the drawers put up that Josie is suddenly fascinated by putting on different clothes. While I am sorting (this has been a MANY week keeps interrupting me) she will pick out clothes from the piles I am working on or go and find things from her dresser or from Doug & Andy's dresser.
We have gone through outfits after outfit and had layers upon layers. It looks pretty random...especially when she decides to take a pair of underwear and pull it on her head.

1 comment:

Ann in NJ said...

Hey, it's a start! Soon enough she'll be putting on her own clothes, and picking them out, and saying, "Mooo-ooom, I'm NOT wearing THAT!"

(word verification= chopsers)??