Monday, July 28, 2008


Josie is gaining a huge vocabulary....well...a huge vocabulary if you are around her enough to distinguish between the slight vowel differences between words. If you can translate these are some of words that she says:
Daddy (really "da")
Doug (du)
dog (do)
cat (at)
that (dat)
this (dit)
truck (druck)
duck (something similar to quack)

I have heard her say something for water (wa) but haven't heard it repeated, milk (mi), and various other things. So we are having a little vocabulary explosion around here. She is also really good at pointing (which is what is now accompanied by "dat" to add even more emphasis).

Andy, at the Monster Truck thing, saw the damaged cars that had been driven over. He said "I want to see the destruction mommy" so I don't know if destruction is a three year old word or not but I was impressed.


Ann in NJ said...

When JC was about that age he developed "Ba!" I called it the command word - he would point at something and say "Ba!" and it meant he wanted it.

puffbird said...

For a couple months, the only thing Ian would say was "Wazzat?" (what's that?) and he would use it correctly, but wouldn't say anything else. The last few days, though, his vocabulary has exploded.