Saturday, February 7, 2009

Raising Star Wars Fans (and other issues)

Jim laid down the law with the boys last night. When Doug said that he pooped in his underwear because he was too busy playing Jim and I pretty much decided that that was it and that it was time to be potty trained completely.
So today Andy did great and Doug got 2 out of 3 bowl movements in the potty (sorry to be specific for those of you easily grossed out...but when you get to be a parent these things matter). Both boys got all pee in the potty between a combination of them figuring out that they needed to go and Jim and I telling them that it had been awhile and perhaps they should try. So progress there!

We got Star Wars: Clone Wars from Netflix also and are now in the middle of the third time watching it. We had already started watching the series on Cartoon Network so both Doug & Andy are in to it. We have long talks during the show about good robots versus bad robots and Doug has informed me that he has a green "Light Saver" while Andy says he has two "Knight Swords" with one being green and one being blue and that he does "great moves" to fight off bad guys. They now want various Star Wars themed paraphenalia such as the Star Wars backpack that one of the other kids in their class has, and they are both coveting the Star Wars underwear we walked past in I do have a bribe for potty training.


Jill in MA said...

Owen talks about "Light Savers" too! So cute.

Laying down the law with the potty training should help. Sounds like you're making progress. It's really frustrating at this part where you believe they're done and ready, but then they have an accident. Sierra keeps doing it to me. She peed in her pants at coffee hour at church today. Sigh... at least she didn't leave a puddle on the floor -- she was wearing boots, so she contained the mess to her own boots! ha!

Ann in NJ said...

Sometimes you have to make them understand that you are serious. Good move, but make sure to keep reminding them - it will take a while to make it automatic!

And the star wars underwear are a GREAT bribe. I used bribes with all three kids, i think. You do what you have to do.