Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Today I was reminded about the importance of perspective.
I am taking a class during the Summer Term and it started today. The professor had us go around and do introductions with some biographical information included.
One of the ladies in the class mentioned that she had traveled a lot. The professor asked her what was the most unusual place she had gone. She said that, although she had been to Europe and other foreign destinations, that the most unusual place was Yellowstone National Park.

Even though I now live in the South, I grew up living in the West and was about three hours from Yellowstone. I know it has unique features and is special, but somehow with easy access to it and frequent visits I had not really thought about it in terms of being something unusual.

1 comment:

Ann in NJ said...

I've had that experience. We were so used to the spectacular scenery of Yellowstone and Teton that we tend to forget the impact they have on flatlanders. But I still get a kick out of how many commercials feature the Teton mountains in the background.