This is Josie (in her first real skirt since there is no "hidden shorts" underneath it....after I convinced her that it does not need to be hiked up to her arm pits). She is standing in our game closet. It is an interesting closet (which during a round of hide-and-seek I did discover that I can actually fit in) because it has a full size door but there is a higher floor to it. The shelves don't come out to the door and it is really deep because it is above our stairs to the basement. The kids love to get in there and pull things out (puzzles, game pieces, etc.). It is a pain to clean-up and I am currently in a quandary about what to do with the closet. Do I keep it sparse? Do I unpack tons in the hopes they won't be able to get in there? Do I leave the rest of our games and such packed since I know we will likely not be here for a long time?
I'm just not sure.
I'm sort of in the same situation with the kitchen. We still have several kitchen boxes downstairs. They do not have essential things in them, but stuff that can be nice to have on hand. The kitchen is even a more complicated issue because we REALLY need to redo the kitchen. However, we in no way have the money right now to do what really needs to be done to it and if we should somehow manage to get into redoing the kitchen then I would have to pack up the stuff to get it out of the way anyway.
I don't know. Owning a house can be so complicated sometimes.
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