Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Doctor, Doctor

It was doctor day for us. Even with all of the kids with birthdays so close together the doctor wouldn't let all three come in at the same time (they have a policy that only triplets can come three at a time). Since the first appointments they had after Josie's birthday were also after the boys' birthday...I went to the doctor twice today. Once with Josie and then once with Doug & Andy.
Everyone looks pretty good. Josie is actually above average on her length but below average on her weight so I get to add calories to her diet. The doctor said "Anything that you wouldn't eat on a diet to lose weight, she can have...but don't promote unhealthy eating habits." Josie actually weighed in at 19 lbs 15 oz. One ounce shy of the "official" weight to be able to ride forward facing. So I think I will stuff her over the next week and see what she weighs then. We actually have to go back for a "follow-up weighing." The doctor wasn't overly concerned but this tends to be a cautious (and very talk-a-tive) doctor.
The boys were good. We talked dentists...that will be an interesting next adventure. I am proud to say that neither boy cried for the finger prick to do the blood work, and that Josie only cried for the shots but not for the toe prick for her blood work.

1 comment:

Ann in NJ said...

Too bad you don't have an older sibling for the boys to go to the dentist with and observe. We go to a pediatric dentist and I would highly recommend that. None of my kids are "dentist-averse" and she started out very low-key with them - "counting" their teeth, etc. I actually find they do better if I DON'T go in the exam room with them.