Friday, May 23, 2008


205 letters will go to local students informing them about their summer camp courses today. Most have their first choices...many have their first and second choices and only one is registered for both of his third choices....but he registered a week after the deadline so there!
It was interesting to see the variety of names, and especially preferred the child that goes by Biz or Bizzy (from Elizabeth) or the child who goes by Honey. There were a lot of people where mom has kept her maiden name...but that may be due to being in a college town. I don't know if it was wrong of me to be skeptical of people who didn't list an email address. There was also the application where the person registering only listed one phone number but had about six phone numbers for the emergency contact. There were the people who listed emergency contacts that did not live doesn't help if your emergency contact would have to come from two states away. It is obvious that people don't read...because I had several who listed mom or dad as the emergency contact even though it specifically said to list someone else. There was the application where I could tell that grandma and grandpa were divorced because they were both listed as emergency contacts but had different addresses and phone numbers....but their addresses were on the same street. There were also about a third of the applications where they didn't list the zip code even though it said City/State/Zip and I had one mom who just stuck address labels on for that information. There was also the person who when filling out if there were medical issues said just "excellent" and another who said her child was overly dramatic about minor injuries and to tell her to "just suck it up."

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