Sunday, May 25, 2008


I once read a quote that said something about you haven't been put in your place until you have been adored by a dog and ignored by a cat.
So here is my current thinking about how to gain perpective on your "stuff" in your possessions.
If you want to appreciate what you have...don't go without...go with less. Live for months (like 5 months in a trailer) with a third (or less) of what you own. Then when you do have access to all the stuff again it will feel like you are really blessed with what you have.

If you feel you probably need to get rid of things because you just have to much clutter but you aren't sure about what you should get rid off....pack all your books, nick knacks, etc. up in boxes. Forget the thing about if you go a year without unpacking something then you probably don't need it...instead stick it all in a storage unit or two. Then sometime before the hottest months of the year add some water (doesn't have to be much) to the storage unit and let it sit for several more months in the heat. Then move them to your basement. For several months let the boxes sit in your basement so that if there are things you want you can find them but wait to unpack a majority of it. Finally, about a year after you first packed it, start unpacking the items and things that are moldy are really easy to throw out. If there is anything that was really important you may take steps to save it. Remember that it is just stuff.... and if you are really trying to be optimistic then also remember that it will be that much less to pack and move next time. I'm trying to stay positive about all this...can you tell?

1 comment:

puffbird said...

Oh, I'm so sorry... D:

We will be looking at something pretty similar... We've been living at my in-laws' house for four years now, with half our stuff in a storage unit. I shudder to see what some of our stuff will look like when we finally get it back. :(