Sunday, July 19, 2009

12 Years

Today, 12 years ago, Jim and I got married.
The interesting thing is that one of the things that sticks out in my memory is the pre-marriage counseling we had. The original minister who was going to marry us tried to cram weeks worth into one session and he looked at the questionnaires he had given us and said that it was unrealistic for us to think things like we were always going to do the grocery shopping together and that perhaps we should give it more time (we had been dating/engaged for 5 and a half years). We switched ministers and got married anyway.

Well, twelve years later and with the exception of the occasional trip for one or two items usually picked-up on the way home from work....we ALWAYS shop together (even with kids in tow).

Make your own way and what is truly important to will make time for.