Thursday, July 9, 2009


I am getting the picture that I need to work on sportsmanship with Doug and Andy.
Last night I said "who can get their pajamas on the fastest."
Doug won and was mostly gracious about it. Andy was a bit tired and cranky and was devastated about not winning. We even had tears and pleading that he wanted to be first.
I did my best to explain that having good sportsmanship meant that you didn't brag about winning and you didn't whine about losing.

Then this morning the boys were racing to get clothes on. Jim provided some interference for Doug and so Andy won. Andy was not so gracious about winning and Doug was upset about losing.

So, beyond the play games and someone loses aspect, does anyone have any good suggestions for how to encourage good sportsmanship?

I suppose I could actually crack open the Sibling Rivalry book that the prenatal program sent me when I was pregnant with the boys....but I would love other things that worked.

1 comment:

Ann in NJ said...

oooh, that's a hard one. We haven't really cracked that nut here - William doesn't like "who can do ... the fastest." He claims he doesn't like to race, I think he doesn't like the possiblilty of loosing. Maybe have an "everyone wins" fallback? You were fastest but you were silliest? Most thorough? Ummm, anyway, something like that.