Friday, January 16, 2009

Hard to tell

It's hard to tell if I am losing a battle to win the war or what. If I make progress in one part of the house I lose it in another part. I might clean upstairs while the kids mess up downstairs, or vice versa. I used to clean somewhat regularly (I've never been terribly good about it and I have always made a distinction about being picked-up and being cleaned-up). I had the issue before that I would always start in the same place and would always poop-out on the last room. Unfortunately now there is more to clean and I poop out sooner. Just some reflections...every time I reach a weekend I realize that I have a multitude of choices about what to do with it, how to balance it between need to's, have to's, and want to's and always realizing that somewhere at some point there may be a sneak attack from rebel forces.

1 comment:

Jill in MA said...

I hear ya, girlfriend!