Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Reflections on the inauguration

I am very excited that Obama has now been officially installed as president. Mr. Bush and I just seemed to disagree at every turn and I'm glad not to have to listen to him anymore because I'll admit that I changed the radio station every time he came on because I couldn't stand the way he sounded. I'll be interested to see what things get tackled first.
I will take issue with much of the news casting this as an "historical" inauguration. I realize that there are further implications for this inauguration; however, every inauguration is historical. Every person in a position of power has the opportunity to wield the power in good or bad ways. Even the presidents you forget to name had issues of their day. I'm sure that even if the Civil War or WWI was not going on that there were other things that the citizenry was concerned about and embroiled over during those periods...things that seemed absolutely huge at the time.
I think the best phrase to describe the inauguration that I heard was "the historical sweep of this inauguration" (or it was something to this effect). The phrase acknowledges that there are additional implications to this inauguration, but perhaps suggests that we not downplay past inaugurations.


Ann in NJ said...

O'Bama? Suddenly he's Irish, too?

I, too, am excited, less about the historical nature of the first African-American presidency, and more about a shift in priorities and direction for this country. There is a feeling of hope and optimism, beginning at the time of the election, and reinforced yesterday, that had been missing for some time. My hope is that those who are excited to roll up their sleeves and get to work can maintain that, and that concrete suggestions for service are forthcoming.

Lisa C said...

I feel it's a chance for a breath of fresh air. He's not as entrenched as others might be, yet he has an experienced staff/advisors. Hopefully he can avoid the biggest problem with power and that's corruption. I like his current spirit of service to the people of the country.

Of course John and I are both thrilled that we have a president that knows what a blackberry is and how to use credit cards and things! Makes him feel more in touch with us in the modern technology age.

Susan Z said...

OK, so when you're typing quickly and walking around with a huge sleep deficit spelling is not your best skill. I already wondered this morning where I left my brain because I walked in to the laundry room to move laundry and apparently I got everything ready in the dryer but didn't actually start it because the wet clothes with the dryer sheet on top where still in there. At least I had moved it late last night and checked early this morning so nothing had gone sour yet.

Ann in NJ said...

Sorry, I just had to dig at you because it was cute. He's such a mongrel ethnically that it seemed sort of appropriate.

And I lost my brain, too, so don't feel bad. I've done that laundry trick and not checked for a few days- ewww.