Thursday, January 29, 2009

Silly Hat Day....and other things...

Today was silly hat day at preschool....
Andy takes these things very literally and wanted to wear a basket on his head. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at these things) I do not currently own a basket that was of the appropriate size to wear (all were either too big to keep on the head or too small to fit). So he first selected a large straw hat and then when he choose his fireman shirt to wear he went and got the fireman hat to go with it. Doug wore the cowboy hat...worn real far back on his head like he had nothing to hide.

I took a leap of faith and sent both boys in underware today (with extra extra pants hidden in their backpacks and I informed the teacher). Both boys came out to the car rider line wearing their original pants. WOOT!
However, Doug peed on the way home (we live all of about 5 minutes away) and Andy almost as soon as we got in the door. So tomorrow I will make sure to walk in and make them use the potty before we leave preschool. But this does give me hope.

1 comment:

Jill in MA said...

yippee on the original pants!