Thursday, June 19, 2008

Potty Training...

Dear Potty Training Muses,
Please come visit my little boys. I would sure like them to become inspired to actually WANT to use the potty. It is not so much that I am tired of changing diapers for three as I am tired of buying diapers and wipes for three and having to deal with diaper rash. While we have had some minor successes, particularly with Andy, they are not enough enticed by stickers or M & Ms for any sustained effort.
I would let them run around naked, since I know they enjoy it because Doug has a song that he sings ("Nakie, Nakie, I like Nakie...") as he runs through the house when he strips off his clothes to go shower. However, it is hot outside and we would need vats of sunscreen to keep my poor pale skinned children from getting sunburned and inside there is just too much wall-to-wall carpet.
So far the only thing that seems to have produced an effect was the "Cool Alert" pull-ups that my mother-in-law bought. I probably should have warned Doug this morning when I put them on him for the first time, however Daddy had to call and tell me that apparently it is not too pleasant to have coldness in that area because Doug was standing there saying "Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold..."


Peter L. said...

Wonder if Doug thinks he's invisible while he's naked...

Jill in MA said...

Good luck to you. I'm sure yours will do better than mine. A year and a half after starting the process, we're still having accidents. But I know others that have potty trained virtually overnight. The key is that they WANT to do it. If they don't, don't give yourself a headache over it. (Yes, the diapers get pretty darn expensive.)

Ann in NJ said...

Old-fashioned training pants. Skip the nasty plastic covers. But the thick training pants will let them feel the wetness and associate it with the urge, and will (mostly) save your carpets. Pull-ups are too close to diapers, although it sounds like the Cool Alert ones might have some usefulness...
And get ready for LOTS of laundry. But it's temporary.