Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Meet my children, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

I want that magic formula...not the one that will turn someone into a raving lunatic, but the one that will magically turn my three year olds from grumpy guses to the happy children I like best. Yesterday I had a full-on physical wrestling match trying to get Jo and Doug into their car seats to go buy milk at the store. Andy was semi-cooperative but distracted. So then we get to the store and Doug is singing and dancing down the aisles and people are smiling at how happy he is. I don't know if it was the car ride, a difference in scenery or what. We didn't even stop by the bakery for a cookie and there were no complaints about it either. If the child had been old enough to have the physical capabilities to skip he would have. And then to further emphasize his attitude change he and Andy helped put the groceries on the conveyor belt, they loaded them in the car without me even mentioning it, and then both boys climbed in their own car seats, put their own straps on, and did as many of the buckles as they could.

This morning it was Andy. He was running a fever last night, and while he is acting normally I couldn't really send him to preschool. So when he found out that he couldn't go today I endured 30 minutes of "but I WANT to go to school" whining (don't get me wrong...I'm very happy that the child likes school). Then I suggested that he could play school at home with Josie so that we didn't make the other kids sick, and it was like changing the channel because suddenly he was happy.

1 comment:

Ann in NJ said...

We decided long ago that children are step functions. There is no slope between happy and sad and whiny; it is like flipping a switch.

I suppose it's better than mopey as a constant state...