Monday, September 8, 2008

Today- The Highly Reel

Here are the high-lights of today (because it is late and tomorrow will be run run run all day and I really should be in bed...which is why I am blogging)
  1. Doug was particularly cheerful this morning on the way to church (he has taken whininess to new heights a few days this last week). Somehow we got into him singing "ma na ma na" and me doing the "do do" part.
  2. Got to eat fried fish for lunch...which was something I had been craving. I probably ate it way faster than I should have but it tasted good. I also got to see a little girl from the next table loving all over my boys...I don't know if I am ready for that.
  3. All three...yep three...children took naps today! At the same time! (The down note to this is that while Andy was waiting to fall asleep he pulled his bed apart including the mattress, and then tried to sneak out and lock himself downstairs with all of the toys. Fortunately three year olds are really not that sneaky and he got the punishment that was extra pillows/toys/blankets/etc. and his bed currently has the mattress and main pillow and that is it.)
  4. I somehow let myself get talked into baking cookies. While I did not manage to get the cookies started before a child woke up, I did get the kitchen picked up some (had to find counter space) and then only had one child (Doug) actually helping to make the cookies. We made "Cowboy Cookies" that were basically my grandmother's oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, pecans, chunks of dark chocolate, and chunks of white chocolate.
  5. I got some laundry sorted (my down-fall...I can run load after load through the washer and dryer and somehow I don't get it sorted...I think my record is somewhere around 5 loads of laundry waiting to be sorted and yes I have run out of undergarments when this happens). I got to sort it in the room where we moved the TV and enjoy the new ceiling fan that we probably can't afford this month but that makes a huge difference in the temperature of the room. It is making me feel a little more settled (despite the fact that we have been in the house somewhere close to 9 months...settled is a relative term).
  6. I have started scrubbing the kitchen floor....Cinderella style with a stiff brush (and yes this is actually a highlight). I have realized that this 1970's floor is not getting replaced any time soon and that if I am going to have to live with it (which I am) I might as well do my darn hardest to actually get it clean. I realized that one of the reasons I kept putting off mopping it (see previous mopping reference) is because even when I do it is still dirty. However, after the third time in a row mopping last week (yes I actually mopped my floor three times in less than half a day...even without anyone spilling something on it) I realized that I might actually be able to get more of the dirt out that was down in the little dips in the floor. So I went and got a scrub brush and while it is going to take me awhile it is actually looking cleaner. The true tests will be if it feels better on my bare feet and if I can mop more than a small section before my water looks horrible.

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