Monday, February 25, 2008

Mind shift

I had a discussion with the department head last week. It answered some questions about stipends, things about teaching versus not teaching course work, etc. (there is no difference in pay in my department whether you teach a class or not and there are no funded positions for the summer).
I am in the process of wrapping my mind around the idea that I cannot really afford to be a Graduate Assistant next year.
I HATE looking for a job and I HATE the idea of having to put my kids in a full-time day care. I know that it will not be horrible for the kids and that I have really been very fortunate to have them be taken care of at home for so long. I have been very fortunate this year to have even more time with them then I would have had should we have stayed where we were at and not moved. I just have to get my mind wrapped around what my choices are. I will continue working on my PhD, but just won't be a graduate assistant. I don't really want to go back to a classroom full of elementary school kids...I will be the first to admit that discipline is not my strongest point and also the first to admit that I really want something with less responsibility while I am working on my doc classes.
I just have to get my mind wrapped around the possibilities....TOO much to think about.

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