Monday, February 18, 2008

Strange Weekend

It was a bit of a strange weekend all around.
I don't even remember Friday night particularly. I know Jo was beginning to feel somewhat better but it still felt like she was attached to me for the most part (falls asleep on me, I set her down, she wakes up, she's not happy to be set down, etc.).
Saturday Jim heroically resealed our wobbly toilet almost completely by himself (I helped line up a couple of screws and that was it).
Doug decided not to take a nap. By evening we sat down for dinner and he (the child who doesn't like to sleep) suddenly announces that he wants to go to bed. So I put him in a clean diaper, put pj's on him (Me: Do you want pajammas with feet or no feet. Doug: Pajammas. Me: You'll take whatever you can get. Doug: Whatever I can get.), said a prayer, and stuck him in bed. He woke up about 10:30 for a little bit of water and then slept the rest of the night.
Sunday we went to church as usual. Strangely enough in Sunday school we discussed how we met as a couple and for Jim and I this involved a bell choir. I hadn't mentioned to anyone before that I had been in a bell choir and the current church we are at doesn't have it's own bell choir. Then when Jim and I leave out of Sunday School it turns out the choir director had borrowed some hand bells for one of the choir songs and low and behold Jim and I are drafted into ringing bells. I had to go to campus for a couple of hours to finish an assignment (since I essentially hadn't been on campus for almost a week). Then in the evening both boys were running low grade fevers but acting pretty normal otherwise. We got them in bed early (Andy was a no napper and Doug only a brief nap). Doug woke up late in the evening all sweaty...apparently his fever broke. Then to cap off the evening, right as Jim and I were getting in bed Andy started crying. He had picked at his nose enough that it was bleeding so we dealt with that. The funny thing is that he told me he had a "bad night" because he thought there was a monster outside their window...he wasn't at all concerned about the blood coming out of his nose.
Then on Monday morning, I hadn't set the trash out because I thought today would be a holiday for the trash truck (I actually got all the trash collected and the cat box changed and then realized it was President's day). Suddenly I heard the trash truck and was able to run out and meet the guys with our trash cans.
It just felt like a wierd weekend. I keep hoping that everyone is on the mend.

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