Tuesday, March 10, 2009

God's Time

This morning if you had looked out my window you would have thought that it was Fall. The sky was gray and cloudy, the temperature was mild, and you could see a slight breeze causing leaves to fall from the trees.
Having children (or even just events in life in general) can be a reminder that we are not on our own time. For as much as I can plan and scheme, I don't always get to follow through on what I thought I would be doing. Today Doug and Andy each had a low fever. So no preschool and I have children at home. Suddenly everything shifts and I reorient myself. I am on God's time...not my own.
Fortunately I know that, like those trees, the leaves are falling not because I am going to sleep to be dormant for a season, but because I have to make way for new growth.

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