Monday, April 21, 2008

Fun and Games

Josie is at a fun, fun age. She is walking, climbing and definitely playing with her brothers. I think we are in for trouble with her. She is as physical as Andy was (or more so...she already shows signs of thinking about climbing out of her crib, she is walking earlier than Andy did, and she is a climber). She claps and "cheers" for herself when she is proud of something. She can be as silly (or sillier) than Doug. She leans on her brothers and flirts with them. Yesterday (after her brothers were both in bed and she had us to herself) she was "beeping" her own nose (only half the time her finger was up her nose). Doug will "interpret" for her by saying "Josie wants up," "Josie wants down," "Josie happy," etc. Some people think that Jo is quiet...but that is not the case. She will sing along with "Bob the Builder" and some days I think I am raising a Pterodactyl because she shrieks.

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