Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mommy senses

The boys work pretty well together. Unfortunately this is usually when they are on some sort of a mission such as moving their ALL of their toys from one room to another, or getting ALL of the books off the shelf.
Usually my mommy senses are pretty in tune and I can catch them in the act. Once my mommy senses were tingling and I caught Andy with about a quarter inch of diaper cream on both hands, but it was just before he touched anything else.
So last night after dinner the boys kept collecting toys and going into their room. I was seeing them just often enough that I wasn't suspicious of anything. I just thought "whatever they are doing at least all of their toys will be in their room." They both told us "good-bye" and Andy said something about "go Wa-mart."
Well it turns out that they had taken every single toy and dropped it down in the storage space that extends between their beds and down under Doug's bed. They had put all their toys, the Thomas play mat, the oven mitts, and anything else they could get their hands on down into this space. Jim trapped them in a bath and I had to practically crawl into the space to get everything out.


Ann in NJ said...

Is there such a thing as "innocently devious"? And it would be defined by a two-year old boy. Of which you have two! Oh my, it makes me laugh just to think about it, but of course, I don't have to clean up after them.

Anonymous said...

Nana thinks they were just getting ready for Christmas and the new year - out with the old - in with the new. Son up to son down the work is never done. Enjoy!

Jen said...

I am so loving these stories!!

We moved when my boys were 28 months old. Their favorite game for about 2 months was "we movin'," which involved exactly what your boys did.

"Trash man" is another favorite game, and everything they can lay their hands on is "trash," tossed roughly into a closet or play tent -- their "trash truck."

If your boys do it and mine do too, it has to be normal, right? ;)

Susan Z said...

Andy still occassionally plays "packing"
I always wonder what possess them to think of it in the first place.

Jen said...

Hey, I posted one of my twins shenanigans stories over at my blog in honor of your guys. I thought you might enjoy reading about the grossest thing my guys have done. So far.
