Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Party Animals

Doug's nickname is "frat boy." The child likes to be silly (and in fact will say "silly, silly" when he does something silly because that is what I say to him). Ever since he was even at 8 or 10 months he would act goofy for other people and play it up. The child would also wave at a post if he thought it would wave back because he is a huge flirt (Andy is a little more selective). Doug has been known to "work the tables" at church, flirt with business women eating alone (even if they are too busy reading and don't respond back), and has even hugged a Target employ who made the mistake of saying hi to him (though she loved the hug).

Well, I think Jo may be headed that same direction. She started flirting at around 2 months and it has only gotten worse. She even has a small fan club at church. She will also definitely egg Jim on to play with her. I think her happy screech is even louder than the boys was at this age. Last night she and Doug were getting each other wound up. He would act silly and she would smile, screech, and bounce in response. This of course was right as we were trying to settle them down to go to bed.

I was a quiet it shy child. This has to be from their dad's side. It is going to be loud and wild at my house.

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