Monday, January 28, 2008

Top Ten Ways to know you might be a parent

After arriving at work this morning, only to look down and find a splotch of spit-up on my shoe, I think it is time I do a post I have been thinking about for awhile. In honor of those of you who have been dealing with sick children, here is a list of how you might determine whether you are a parent:
Top Ten Ways to know you are a parent:
10. You have ever arrived some place and suddenly realized you have a little bit of spit-up/snot/poop/puke on your clothes.
9. You have been so distracted getting dressed that you have arrived someplace and suddenly realized you are wearing two different color socks, two different shoes, or your shirt is inside out/backwards.
8. You are used to referring to yourself in third person. (Mommy is going to go potty now.)
7. You know what I mean by my sister’s phrase about children being “help more work.”
6. You find yourself repeating things at least twice. You find yourself repeating things at least twice.
5. You have ever told someone (a person not a pet) to stop licking the table/floor/window/etc.
4. You have heard strange sentences coming out of your mouth. (My favorite lately was thanks to a box of toys my sister sent along that allowed me to say “Get the hack saw out of the train area.”)
3. You can name all of the characters and sing the theme song to a TV show that is animated or most of the characters are puppets.
2. You have ever picked a booger out of someone else’s nose.
1. You are used to getting interrupted and don’t have time to completely finish a….

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