Tuesday, November 20, 2007

House Update (I think we're up to V?)

So after the "how many times can one person say no" to a house we got an estimate on fixing all the masonry stuff (ouch) and our realtor doesn't think they will budge anymore, but it looks like we can deal with the numbers. So after settling some details we may be closing on the house in the next two weeks. So now the question is...to fix everything before we move in or wait to move in after the handyman is done.... (oh yes, and to figure out where all the furniture will go since Jim is unavailable to haul things around with his mending bones).


Ann in NJ said...

Guess it depends on how long the handyman will take, and when you can schedule a moving company. We did have a company move us from our storage unit to this house, however, make sure they either come look at the unit or truly understand how much stuff you have. Ours underestimated by about half, we ended up moving the rest of it ourselves. You are kind of in the off season, maybe that will help?

Peter L. said...

Is there anything inside that needs to be done? If so maybe have the handyman do that before moving in and hopefully there won't be any issue being moved in while they do outside stuff.