Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hair Cuts!

We trimmed hair again this weekend. I did Jim's hair and then while I held Jo, Jim did Andy and Doug. I passed on getting a hair cut this time. The pictures are a bit out of order...but check out Doug's "reverse Mohawk." They did look good in the end and got a lot of positive comments at church this evening.


Peter L. said...

Andy seems happy with his, but the one of Doug post cut seems that the party boy has lost his mojo.

The reverse mohawk pic is great too...wonder if his head was with him all day that day.

Susan Z said...

Perhaps it is a Sampson and Delilah thing! Doug actually climbed up in the chair the next day and said "time for a haircut."

Ann in NJ said...

Andy looks very blonde in these pictures!

I noticed in the last group of pictures that the boys looked freshly trimmed. Such cuties!