Saturday, March 15, 2008


This morning I was introduced to Pete.

You might ask, who is Pete?

Well....ask Andy. I was introduced to a blank spot on the floor and then found out that his name was Pete.

Pete "works" with Andy apparently. I am honored that I was introduced because when I asked if Doug knew Pete I was told that he doesn't. I asked Andy if he was going to introduce Daddy to Pete. He wasn't.

I was intrigued and mentioned it to Jim. Jim said, "Oh, he has had imaginary friends for at least a little while because the other day Andy made me hold the door for them....but I didn't know their names."
Me: "There's more then one?"
Jim: "There's at least two."

I might not have thought about it too much but Fern recently posted about her kid's imaginary friend (or imaginary grandmother in their case). I would imagine, as she said, that multiples having imaginary friends is unusual. I never had one as a child that I know of but I am a twin myself. I almost wonder if there is a genetic aspect to it because Jim apparently had "Tommy Tomato" and "Chuckwagon" when he was little and they were with him until "Tommy" and Chuckwagon" moved to California. Jim was wondering if it might be somehow related to lucid dreaming...which is a skill Jim has that I definitely don't have. The extent of my lucid dreaming is that I suddenly realize I am in a horrid situation that I have finally concluded is a dream and the only thing I can control is telling myself to wake up to get out of the nightmare.

I will be interested to see if I get introduced to anyone else and when Pete makes his next appearance.

**Edit-I learned this evening that Jim was particularly hard on his imaginary friends....when they left him for California Tommy Tomato fell off the wagon and was run over by Chuckwagon...oh, my***

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