Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Can I have a do-over

I probably should just post a video link or something because I am a pretty negative today. Hormone, rain, and even when I go to bed early I never seem to have enough sleep (and when I do I have had the strangest dreams lately) probably don't help.
So anyway
  • We went to the "Scottish Food Place" (or as Andy calls it "Donalds with the fire truck") place for lunch. Now, don't get me wrong, I actually like the food. Today, however, I didn't bring in the diaper bag because it was only me with the kids and the thought of managing 3 kids in a McD's bathroom while changing diapers is just ewww, and usually they poop right before we are close to leaving anyway. However, despite earlier poop, 2 out of 3 became stinky almost immediately and we only ended up staying to play for about 20 minutes (I was hoping to wear them out).
  • Josie bit me today while I was getting her a snack (perhaps I wasn't moving fast enough?)
  • I heard a crash downstairs and went down to find out that 2 of the light fixtures in the workroom had fallen. So now on top of having a window to fix from the break-in, having a broken garbage disposal, needing to fix the panel on the screen door, and numerous other preexisting house projects that need to done there is yet one more thing on the long list of "to-do" projects for the short list of money available. Sometimes I think we need to do some sort of exorcism to get out bad house spirits or maybe some Fung shui or something to that effect.
  • We are going to a Neighborhood watch family dinner and despite Jim's best efforts the pie (not homemade) burned on the crust. I was going to just saw off the burnt parts and put whip cream around the edge, but we are out of spray whip cream and when I tried to pick up the pie it was sticking to the tray so much that now the bottom of the aluminum pie pan won't sit flat. So since I was going to have to go to the store to get whip cream anyway I might as well just buy a new dessert instead.

I am thinking despite all of the numerous things I probably should do tonight that wallowing in self-pity and doing comfort activities is all I really want to do tonight.


puffbird said...

Ugh, I've had days like that. :P It makes you wish life had a "reset" button...

Just think: the odds are great that tomorrow will be better! :)

Ann in NJ said...

Yeah, some days really need a "rewind" button. Hang in there, it will all get done, or it will wait until another day.

A little self-pity wallow can be very theraputic, but you should probably put a time-limit on it...