Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fabulous day

We had some rough patches this morning, and Doug and I had a major battle of wills (I hate the term "strong willed child" but today that definitely applied) mid-day, but it is turning into a good day.
  • I got a positive phone call about something I have been praying about for a long time
  • I actually went and worked out for the second time this week. This time it was by myself and I only had a limited time but I did it
  • I took the kids on campus with me to run an errand and we had a good time because they behaved (partially due to the fact that they were confined to a wagon) and also because we went and visited some people I know who work on campus
  • I met with my professor about the paper that I was supposed to finish during the summer and it was a brief meeting that went well and I actually feel like I am on track
  • I came home to find all the children napping so maybe I can get some work done (which is why I am blogging....)

Jim has PTA open house tonight so I am in charge of kids and dinner. I hate to say it but I am going to take the easy way out and order pizza because I like it!

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